

We offer education on the basic principles of Manicuring which includes a basic understanding of the science of beautifying and improving nails, hands and in depth study of products used in their care. Through student salon services, practical projects and weekly assignments, we provide the hands on experience necessary to cause goals to become reality, enabling students to prepare for the requirements of graduation, the licensing examination and a career in the work place.

COURSE LENGTH: 400 clock hours

FULL-TIME SCHEDULE: 9am to 5:00 pm Tuesday through Friday




Basic Manicuring Course: 400 Clock Hours

Supplies (kit)$450 (plus tax)
Enrollment Fee$50
Application fee$50
Total$3250 (plus kit tax)

Convenient payments are arranged for the students desiring to make weekly payments, contact the schools office for details. Due to State law that requires only 400 clock hours of training for the Manicuring course, it DOES NOT qualify for Federal Financial aid.

Methods of payment accepted include full payment at time of signing the Enrollment Agreement or through an approved payment plan.  Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, credit card, or through a non-federal agency or loan program.  Students are responsible for paying the tuition, fees, other stated costs and for repaying any applicable loans plus interest.


Basic Course Description

Manicuring, Hand/Arm Massage, Nail Treatment220 Hours
Study of the Use and Application of Certain Chemicals40 Hours
Nail Anatomy10 Hours
Sanitation, Sterilization, Safety30 Hours
State Law10 Hours
Salesmanship, Salon Management20 Hours
Miscellaneous Lectures, Test Reviews90 Hours
Total400 Hours

Course Objectives

Upon completion of our manicuring course, the student shall demonstrate the ability to pass the State Board Exam and enter a salon with skills needed to successfully service the public.

  1. To impact ideals and attitudes of willingness to cooperate with the public, fellow workers and employees practicing proper conduct and professional ethics.
  2. Setting goals for ones self to further educate yourself in the future.
  3. To develop habits of doing things properly in the interest of safety and the importance of sanitation and sterilization.
  4. To develop knowledge of structure of nails and technical skills required for the area one must analyze.
  5. To develop knowledge and ability to recognize nail disorders that can and cannot be treated by a Manicurist.
  6. To develop knowledge and understanding of skill and appreciation of the composition and growth of the nail.
  7. To develop and practice the procedure of manicure and pedicure to enable a professional manicurist to properly serve the public.
  8. To develop knowledge and understand the composition of skin and to serve the public with confidence.
  9. To learn to select wisely, care for and use properly the commercial products that are related to application of cosmetic treatment.
  10. To develop skill and information for safety of instruments used, such as electricity.